Want to Switch Career to Embedded Systems? Use JUMP Framework

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

Switching career is a big decision.

Probably you've had enough with your current job, your current company, or more generally your current industry.

Then you start to think about switching careers.

Maybe you like doing programming and hardware, but for some reason, you had to enter a different industry.

I 100% understand. Because life must go on, there are bills to pay, there's family to feed.

But as you really think about it, you start to ask "Is embedded system worth the jump?"

That's a valid and real question. And because it's often a big decision to make, I want to help you make an informed decision. That's why I created this framework to help you do exactly that.

It's called JUMP Framework:

  • Justify your switch
  • Understand the embedded systems' career building blocks
  • Make a solid transition plan
  • Prepare for interview

At the end of this article, I hope I can help you make a better decision. Now, let's dive right into each point.

Justify Your Switch

You need to be aware of why you want to switch. And why Embedded Systems specifically.

If the answer is money, I don't think you should make the jump.

Look. Salary, wage, paycheck, is a relative measure. Here's the truth:

  • You can be highly paid as an embedded engineer
  • You can be underpaid as an embedded engineer
  • You can be highly paid as a data scientist
  • You can also be underpaid as a data scientist

I know too many cases. The point is, if your main motivation is money, you should be aware that being an embedded engineer doesn't automatically guarantee you a better income (though it can be a rewarding career).

Sometimes your motive is because you're bored with your current job? Then you can actually do embedded systems on the side, even become an embedded freelancer. No need to jump career.

Maybe your true love is hardware and firmware? Maybe. But are you ready to survive the entire process and restart your career?

I'm sorry if I sounded like to discourage you from making the jump. Well, it's because switching career is risky, it's a big decision. Especially if you're a highly qualified employee in another industry (like 5+ years of experience in another industry).

You will restart your career, your salary, your skills.

But if you can justify the jump (which is often pretty personal and subjective), I'm glad to get a new embedded system friend.

If that's the case, let's jump to the next point.

Understand the embedded systems' career building blocks

Now, because you're committed to making the switch. I have a moral obligation to equip you with proper foundational knowledge and skills. But just like anything in this world, learning embedded systems takes time. You need to be familiar with the building blocks of embedded systems career.

To successfully work on Embedded Systems, you actually need 3 main skills:

👉 Computer Science
👉 Electrical Engineering
👉 A third field depending on your interest

We need CS because there are programming aspects in Embedded Systems. We have to create robust, and efficient code for the device.

We need EE because we will be interfacing with electronic devices like sensors and actuators.

Understanding the electronics under the hoods will make your life as an Embedded Engineer easy.

Lastly, we need a third field. It means that if we work on embedded devices on vehicles then we need to learn and understand automotive: its standards, the rules, the principles in auto.

The same with other fields.

Personally I was working in mining and marine, so I needed to learn and understand how mining processes are done, how harsh the environment is, etc.

Make a solid transition plan

If you want to switch careers, chances are, you already have valuable skills under your belt.

For example, if you are a data scientist. You can exploit the data analysis (in case you work with sensor data), data processing and signal processing, etc.

If you are an AI/ML engineer, you can exploit your AI/ML knowledge and pair it with embedded building blocks above and you will make a solid embedded AI engineer.

If you are a web developer, that's even easier. You have plenty of software design experience, software architecture skills (which is highly valuable in embedded systems), basically you will need to go lower level than the web.

What you need to focus on is your transferrable skills. Focus on those, and pair them with the building blocks concept (EE + CS + third field). After that, you want to go deeper and familiarize yourself with some embedded systems concepts.

Prepare for interview

Lastly, you want to be employed as an embedded systems engineer. Obviously you will need to apply for a job, and prepare for the interview.

Interview processes are different from company to company, but what you really need to focus on is your hands-on experience, because embedded systems is essentially an industry with heavy hands-on focus.

Sometimes you will have to do a technical interview to assess your technical skills. That's why I strongly recommend you build side projects as many as possible.

Or, alternatively, if you don't want to be a full-time employee, you might want to do freelancing. It's probably a safer bet for you before you fully commit to being an embedded engineer. 

Wrapping It Up

That's all.

Again, switching careers can be risky, so you need a better plan to mitigate the risk.

Planning can't be understated. You need to have strong reasons, you have to understand and be familiar with the embedded systems concepts, you have to prepare.

If you are 100% sure, I wish you 100% success! And JUMP to embedded systems world!

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. FREE Firmware Development Email Course. A free 7-Day Email Course to teach you the foundational concepts you should know to start firmware development. Full of practical tips and industrial insights.

2. FREE Embedded Freelancing Email Course. Another free Email Course to help you grasp the basics of embedded freelancing and make more money as an embedded engineer.

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